Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

James Edward & Associates may gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this Website which may include the use of cookies. Cookies are small amounts of information in the form of a file of letters and numbers which James Edward & Associates store on your computer whilst you are browsing.

Cookies make it easier for us to distinguish you from other users of our website and allows us to better understand the information you find useful or not, which will help us to improve our site. James Edward & Associates will not use cookies to collect identifying information about you.

Our Cookie Use

James Edward & Associates website sets no long-term cookies. We use session cookies which as soon as the browser closes are removed. These are used in our enquiry forms and also support user authenticated areas such as our secure members area.

Google Analytic Cookies

Third Party Site Cookies

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    How Can We Help You?

    Please fill in the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can


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